Alpha-Gal Allergy in the News Again – NPR and ScienceNOW Reports

Check out the short NPR article, “Rare Meat Allergy Caused By Tick Bites May Be On The Rise,” which offers a brief overview of the allergy and its increasing distribution (as far away as Hawaii!). The ScienceNOW article by the same author, entitled “Ticked Off About a Growing Allergy to Meat,” has more info, including a map from Viracor-IBT (providers of the commercial test for the alpha-gal allergy) showing regional rates of mammalian meat allergy.

9 responses to “Alpha-Gal Allergy in the News Again – NPR and ScienceNOW Reports”

  1. says :

    I been an alpha gal since 2000. Its no fun. Was bitten by the Lone Star tick in Clinton SC while playing golf. Msny eating adjustments. Hate it. Steve King

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    • T.M. says :

      Three of us at work have this same thing in Delaware. Sooo many hidden food items to watch for, scary to eat out.

      • LSB says :

        I contend I’ve been an alpha gal my whole life (sorry my poor attempt at humor,) but diagnosed since 2009. Because when I reacted to meat I ate – my immune system also went into overdrive and attacked the other foods I had eaten – so I now also have a wheat and dairy (protein) allergy. Ticks are REALLY evil things. My bites came from a hiking trip- my son and husband were also bit but didn’t react.

  2. Becky says :

    I broke out for 7 months in hives and had awful wheezing attacks. My body ached terribly and I was always tired. I was passed to 3 doctors, I told them that I was having hives and other symptoms and that I had been bitten by a small spotted tick and asked them if there could be something linked to receiving that bite. All 3 denied any link and treated me with all sorts of drugs and had me keep food diaries. My 5th doctor finally listened to me declaring that I was bitten by a tick and said she had recently seen a TV news show talking about it and tested me for alpha gal and the test came back with a positive reaction. I am allergic to beef, pork, lamb, venison, dairy and any product that I apply to my skin that contains anything from these animals. I have dogs and cats and if I touch their food, then I break out or get itchy. I now eat fins and feathers, fruits, veggies, and lots of soy products. I have really had to change my eating habits. I read food labels all the time. Grocery shopping is difficult. I keep an epipen and inhaler on me at all times. I have two medicines that really help me if I feel an allergic reaction coming on-Hydroxyzine HCL and Ranitidine. I take them together and they really keep the reaction away.

  3. Judy Davis says :

    I am having an Alpha Gal test tomorrow. I have suffered from this at least 10 years now. I started having Delayed anaphylaxis x 5 two years ago after eating beef. I have been red meat free for 2 years now. I suffer also from thyroid nodules and hypothyroidism and I thought I had celiac but tested negative. My stomach is always a mess. Now reading through these posts I see my fatigue, stomach issues,hives and joint pain could be related to the Alpha Gal issues. Then when I see the other foods linked to this like Chicory ( I drink coffee with this in it !! Used to), Asparagus, Artichokes, gelatin, and it is in some dairy products I cannot believe it. !!!! I live in Arkansas and when I first moved here from So Cal I was bitten hundreds of times from seed ticks and the ones with the white spot on their back because the woods are full fo them here. They are a way of life here in the Ozarks. I actually got bit by one last week. I have not felt good for over 10 years. I now feel I am close to figuring it out. I love the outdoors but stay away from it here because of the ticks. I take a Ranitidine and Zyrtec daily and carry benadryl, Predisone and an Epipen with me. I am very interested in the study. My blood type is B+ and I think the study wanted to know blood types. Thanks for all of this information. I seem to be able to eat pork or so I think. I would rather not chance it. I would rather be safe than sorry. Judy

    • Judy Davis says :

      I am positive at 1.27 and my Beef is .17, Pork .11 and Lamb .11. I have not eaten Beef for over 2 years since my last anaphylaxis. I have not eaten Lamb ever and I have eaten Pork 1 year ago.

  4. Judy Young says :

    I was bitten by several Long Star Tick babies. Had to have a bite area lanced, I have yet to be diagnosed…my doctors ALL think I am an idiot! Even my allergist! I can’t find anyone to test me!! HELP…I’ve had this for 18 months and the rash has left scaring. 😥 Can anyone help me? I’m at my witt’s end!

  5. JB says :

    I have had reactions from gelatin in candy and from sweet potatoes cooked with marshmallows (which have gelatin), but no reaction at all from gelatin capsules for medication. I have reacted to a veggie burger cooked on the same grill used for hamburgers. I haven’t had the lab test, but I had already figured out that pork and gelatin caused hives and sometimes anaphylaxis 3 to 4 hours after ingestion before I heard the people’s pharmacy broadcast on NPR and learned its name. I have been able to avoid reactions to small amounts eaten by accident by taking Benadryl about an hour after eating a bit of bacon. I wouldn’t dream of intentionally eating mammal meat, marshmallows, or any candy that I knew contained gelatin.
    I live in a wooded area of the Arkansas ozarks and inevitably get tick bites. Have had reactions since 2003.

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  1. Alpha-Gal Allergy in the News Again – NPR... - June 20, 2013

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